Wednesday, February 6, 2008


Well we did it! We put in an offer on an home. Now I jump every time the phone rings :oD Trevor was so excited last night that at about 4am he woke me up and was talking about everything he wanted to do to the house. At first I just let him talk because I thought if he got it out of his system he would go back to sleep. After a while I mention I was trying to sleep. He said he was trying to talk in that voice that puts me to sleep but his excitement was coming through. So he stopped talking about it and I would almost be asleep and he would say something else. Finally he got out of bed and went to work early. So we just have to wait.

Caden is being so cute. Last night he was playing and Trev and I were sitting on the couch reading magazines and Caden would drag his blankies out of his room and shove them in to my lap and say "awww" so I would cuddle up to the blanket and say "awww" and then he would go his way. Then he would come back and lay his head in my lap and say "awww" until I would cuddle with the blanket again. He did this over and over again. Sometimes crawling into my lap and sucking his thumb and sometimes just running over, saying "awww" and then running back to what he was doing. He was sharing he blankie w/ me :oD

Another cool thing he did was put together his first phrase. That is not just repeating back something we said but taking two words he knows and putting them together...and that phrase is (drum roll please) "puppy shoes" referring to his slippers. He's so smart. That's all for now.


At the tax place Trev & I had our eyes off Caden for a second and he managed to unplug a power strip that powered two computers! OY! This is why I call this Adventures w/ Caden.

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