Saturday, December 29, 2007

Bowling Revelation

I think Caden has Trevor's smile

Caden woke up this morning happy but wanting his "baba." I heard his little tummy growl so I wanted to get some breakfast in him first. With every bite of his yogurt was greeting with either him saying "baba" or a whine. At one point he laid his head on the table with frustration. I gave him his baba and laid him down after that. He was so content, cuddled among his blankets with his bottle in his mouth making the sign for "milk" (we use that sign for bottle) over and over again.

Last night it was really nice to get out just Trevor and I. We went to a pizza place that was very family friendly judging from the amount of children there. There was a baby at a table that was in my line of vision. He was maybe 1 or 2 months old. I couldn't tear my eyes away...every thing he did was fascinating to me. More than once I said to Trevor "I want another one!" We did go bowling after that. I really suck at bowling...I scored 59 I think on the first game and in the 40s in the second. My last frame of the second game I had a bowling revelation...I have to get lower to the ground before I release the ball! How did this elude me all this time! Trevor and other people I've played with have given me tips but no one had said to do this! We played two more games just taking turn each frame (so there was only once score at the end). I did much better and can't wait to go again :oD

I just want to say that Sue is a sweetheart for babysitting (and doing my dishes).

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