Monday, December 31, 2007

Xmas music

I didn't post yesterday. We were gone all day. Had a great time. We went to Rowe and Ruth's. Their daughter, her husband and 3 kids were there. The youngest child is only a couple of weeks younger than Caden. We had a blast. Between the toys there, the children and adults Caden was a good way. I noticed he didn't really talk that much. He liked to take people's hands and put it on his head for rub. Another reason we call him Puppy.

Every year this time I get xmas songs stuck in my head. Before xmas I ignore them but by time it is all over they have snuck their way in. "giddy up giddy up giddy up lets go. lets look at the snow...we're in a in a wonderland of ?" Ick!

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